Every meeting we have "Show and Tell" and the is the part where we show some of the projects that we have been working on. This part of the meeting is great because it is the way we inspire each other to finish projects,to start a new project or just to tell each other that we are doing a great job. I love it when my quilting sisters offer suggestions or tell me what a great job I did on an item. I love "show and tell". Here are a few of the items that was brought for show and tell.
As you can see we have been busy, making quilts. I feel terrible because I did not take notes of who each quilt belongs too. I will do better next time. But as you can see, we have some very talented sisters in our guild. That is why I put my name on the nomination list for next years president. I feel I will learn quite a bit and will also be very busy, but still encouraged to do my art.
I really enjoyed this past Saturday, our guild set up a display at the art festival that I spoke of earlier. It was a beautiful day, and even though it looked like it was going to rain, it never did. We stayed ready at all times to collect our quilts and get them undercover before they got soaked. But thanks be to God, the rain did not come until 30 minutes before the festival was over.
We had a drawing for our charity quilt that was made this year. I was thrilled when I won the quilt. I will cherish it. I did not get a chance to work on this one, but I look forward to next year when I will get a chance to work on the next one. I was told that I will have to work double time one the next one. LOL
So sit back and enjoy our display.
And this is the quilt that I won.
Thank you Doris Van Dyke for modeling one of my jackets.
And of course I set up some of my own art
The end of the year at our guild is a high time. So stay tuned to my blog to see the exciting happenings at the Paris, TN Q.U.I.L.T Guild.